Spreading myself too thin is a constant struggle for me. I am a people pleaser. I want to say yes to everything because I genuinely care, not because I like to be busy. I very much dislike being busy. Recently, I have felt like I’ve been a mile wide instead of a mile deep. This is affecting my relationships with people. I can’t always please everyone and I have to start saying no to things, even though I will hate doing this. On the first day of school I had a break down. I felt so incredibly overwhelmed about this year. Yes, it is so exciting to be a senior and graduating in May but I have been dealing with so much change in my life recently. And graduating is one more thing to add to the to do list. Honestly, I’m not ready. I always feel like I can take on the whole world, but it never works like that. I spend so much time doing “stuff”, good things, beneficial things, but still just things, that I never have time to process any of it. I often feel like I’m just going, just doing, and I’m exhausted. Then one day I just sit down and all my emotions have built up and in trying to process everything I just break down. God says to cast all our burdens on Him. Why do I try to handle everything by myself? Time and time again it fails. But how do we balance everything? I’m not just talking about time management, I’m talking about living out a Christ-like life and serving God and others and still making good grades and having time for family, friendships, relationships, etc. Is it all or nothing? Is there a balance? I don’t know, I’m still trying to figure this one out…I guess it’s a learning process.